will NOT knowingly do business with any company or person that sends unsolicited SMS messages. has a zero tolerance policy for SMS spam. We consider any unsolicited, unexpected, or unwanted text message as Spam. We do NOT allow use of 3rd party lists, whether consent has been gathered or not. We believe that any type of communication sent to a subscriber about an unrelated subject, that the subscriber did not request, to be Spam. text messaging allows for Mobile Marketing only to verified opt-in subscriptions. Subscribers will only receive SMS messages from campaigns that they have opted into.
We systematically monitor all communications for spam. If we suspect that a campaign is in violation of our Anti-Spam Policy, we will terminate the campaign immediately. Any evidence of users not adhering to this anti-spam policy will cause immediate disconnection of their spam messages sending, suspension of the service and might also result in freezing of all of their SMS accounts to ensure an immediate end to the violation until the details of the case are cleared up.
Additionally if a report of spam and/or abuse is made to us by a mobile user per the above we will investigate the campaign and determine if the campaign is in violation of our Anti-Spam policy. If it is the campaign will be shut-down immediately.
Please let us know about any abuse or unwanted/unsolicited messages you are receiving. In your email, please include your mobile number, the date and time you received it and the contents of the message. Please send your details to [email protected]
Remove/Unsubscribe from a CampaignIf you have any issues unsubscribing or need any additional assistance removing yourself from an SMS campaign, please contact [email protected].